Knowledge Exchange

Knowledge Exchange December
SSP/RSP End of Year Lunch Celebration, Project Sharing and Feedback

The final SSP/RSP Physical Activity Project Sharing event was held at VicHealth on Wednesday 14 December. Vicsport was thrilled to see representatives from 10 SSAs and 3 RSAs.

The session was facilitated by Mad4Leaders, and attendees were divided into 3 groups according to key target markets for their programs – CALD communities, Older Adults, with the third group comprising of SSAs delivering national products (such as FAST4 Tennis).

Each group engaged in a discussion around their key successes for 2016, and main challenges and goals for 2017. Attendees found this valuable, allowing for positive collaboration and sharing of information across sport.

The session was also used as an opportunity for the group to provide Vicsport and VicHealth with valuable feedback about the SSP/RSP Project Sharing and Workshops. This included session length, format, and content. Thank you to everyone who did provide honest feedback about how we can best deliver added value to your projects in 2017. The feedback that was provided will be collated and used to inform the planning of the SSP/RSP support program across the next 12 months.

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Healthy Choices:
Physical Activity:

Building the Business: Evaluation Summaries & Healthy Choice ‘Nudge Summaries’

Event Recap: SSP/RSP End of Year Lunch Celebration, Project Sharing and Feedback
VicHealth Funding Announcements

AusPlay Survey Results Released by Australian Sports Commission

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