Knowledge Exchange

Knowledge Exchange October
Case Study: The Big Issue Community Street Soccer Program 2013 Evaluation

The Community Street Soccer Program (CSSP) started in 2007 and is targeted at homeless, marginalised and disadvantaged people. The Big Issue, who coordinates the program, commissioned La Trobe University’s Centre for Sport and Social Impact to evaluate the CSSP across 2011-13. The research, which consisted of a mix of interviews and surveys, focused on the motivations and benefits of the program to participants (including learning more about people accessing the program).

The Big Issue were able to gain some very useful insights into the CSSP program, especially around the barriers to participation and the health benefits that the participants experienced, which included social connections and friendships.

Understanding these types of key insights is a crucial step in the process of expanding sport programs, as barriers that are known can be addressed, and demonstrated benefits and outcomes can be marketed to potential participants.

Read the project summary.

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Case Study: The Big Issue Community Street Soccer Program 2013 Evaluation
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