Partnership Marketplace

15 June, 2016


The Partnership Marketplace which was held in conjunction with VicHealth gave over 30 State Sporting Associations (SSAs) and Regional Sport Assemblies (RSAs) the opportunity to pitch their Physical Activity, Healthy Choices and Water projects.  For SSAs, the pitches were used to explain what their product is, and why RSAs and Local Government Authorities (LGAs) should work with them.  For RSAs it was what showing the work they are doing in their area, as well as what they could offer to SSAs in terms of facilities and taget demographics.  Pitches were remarkably creative with pitches staged as game shows and news reports in what was a great showing of humour whilst also promoting their products/services.

The event was a great platform for SSAs, RSAs, and LGAs to come together and find out how they can best work with one another, and what each party needs to do to move forward.  A number of interviews with attendees emphasised how important these events are, as they can hear from a variety of SSAs, RSA, and LGAs in order to get an understanding of where they can fit.

I have learnt that SSAs are just as keen to work with RSAs as we are with them 
- Rhonda Allan, Mallee Sports Assembly.

The event also incorporated an Open Conference, where attendees took control of the afternoon session, deciding the topics and leading discussions around the different issues and successes they themselves had experienced.  These 3x25 minute discussions gave administrators a chance to learn from each other.  As sports administrators we often face the same issues, it is important that SSAs, RSAs, and LGAs continue to communicate with each other to collectively make Victoria a healthier state.

Topics included:

  • How SSAs can partner with other SSAs
  • Social sports programs in workplaces
  • Communicating with and engaging older adults
  • How do SSAs connect with LGAs
  • Fee structures
  • Data collection
  • Making sport more accessible

Thank you to all sports who attended on the day and contributed.  It was great to see many organisations embrace the day and take a lot of important information away.

The conversation doesn't stop here, use #EatDrinkActive and #HealthyActiveChoices to share your experiences!

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