Calling all sports to get involved!
Head to the This Girl Can Vic Facebook page to create an event at your club.
Our aim is to get as many sports on board as possible.
For information on how to create a Facebook event, click here.
Victorian women are being encouraged to try something new and get active in all their red-faced, sweaty, jiggly glory as part of VicHealth’s inaugural This Girl Can Week kicking off on Monday 18 March.
This Girl Can Week (18-24 March 2019) aims to encourage more women to give physical activity a go or return to exercise after a break.
There will be a range of fun, free or low-cost activities hosted by gyms and sports clubs across the state, tailored to women and girls who want to get active but aren’t sure about how to take the first step. It aims to build on the momentum created by the highly successful campaign which launched in March last year and inspired 1 in 7 Victorian women to get moving in 2018. The campaign features everyday Victorian women instead of professional athletes or airbrushed Instagram models, and is about empowering women to feel comfortable in their bodies and in public spaces – regardless of their ability, how they look or how sweaty they get.
Minister for Health Jenny Mikakos praised the campaign stating : “This initiative is all about encouraging women to smash antiquated stereotypes about what they can or can’t do in the gym, on the sporting field and in our neighbourhoods – it’s long overdue and it’s having a massive impact.
This Girl Can Week will be held across Victoria from 18-24 March 2019. Women wanting to get involved can visit to find out more and discover activities and events in their local area. Sports clubs, councils, gyms or community groups interested in hosting a This Girl Can Week activity are encouraged to register as a campaign supporter via the website.
The stats:
• More than 285,000 Victorian women were more active after seeing the This Girl Can - Victoria campaign
• This Girl Can – Victoria inspired 1 in 7 women aged between 18-65 across the state to get active
• This Girl Can inspired 1 in 7 women in England to get active
• Over three quarters of women who have seen the ad believe it helped women feel more confident getting active
• 17% of women who saw the ad started a new sport or physical activity or returned to exercise after taking a break
• This Girl Can – Victoria has been particularly successful with women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
o 37% of culturally diverse women said they got active as a result of seeing the ad compared with 28% of the broader community.
• 52% of Victorian women worry about being judged when exercising
• 41% of Victorian women are too embarrassed or intimidated to get active
• Three in five Australian women are not sufficiently active, participating in less than 30 minutes of physical activity on four or more days a week
• One in five don’t do any physical activity in a week
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