Vicsport, in partnership with the State Government of Victoria, will be providing support to Victorian Sporting Organisations as they transition to Mandatory Board Quotas of 40% women on boards by 1 July 2019. The introduction of mandatory quotas aims to bring about long term cultural change for Victorian sport in order to grow and strengthen sport and recreation organisations through good governance practices. How each organisation seeks to address the mandatory quotas may be different, as will the journey and processes undertaken.
Support for affected organisations transitioning through the process will consist of a range of initiatives including:
- Small Group Workshops – sign up here
- Information Sheets
- Online Clips
- Training and Education Opportunities for current and prospective board members
- Face to face meetings and support
Vicsport is here to assist organisations through the transition process by:
- Facilitating the sharing of information, ideas and strategies across organisations
- The provision of tailored advice and assistance that is specific to the needs of your organisation
Initial steps your organisation can take include:
- Table the incoming quotas at your next board meeting for thorough discussion and as an ongoing, standing agenda item
- Develop a working group (or utilise a sub-committee) to lead the work and report to the board
- Review your organisation’s constitution and consider:
- What are the restrictions around board composition and the election process?
- Are there other clauses in your constitution that may impact the move towards quotas?
- Is there provision for appointed and independent directors? Are there restrictions around these positions?
- Review the recruitment methods your organisation currently uses
- Complete a Skills matrix of your current board members
- Analyse the terms of current directors
- Consider timeframes relating to your next AGM
To find out more information about the incoming quotas and if your organisation is affected:
P 9698 8100
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