The Lara Pool Kiosk is a great example of a community working together to create an environment that provides healthy food and drink choices.
This was achieved by Healthy Together Geelong and the City of Greater Geelong working in conjunction with Lara Pool kiosk to make healthy options available within their food and drinks range whilst promoting healthy choices messaging and providing support to staff during the implementation of these changes.
The Lara Pool video is a valuable visual resource that can be used to influence and engage other communities and environments, including sports, to become a Healthy Choices club/centre/workplace.
Please view the Lara Pool Video below:
Case Study
Developing a case study is a great way to contribute to the knowledge and available resources on Healthy Choices within the sporting sector. This can be achieved by providing the wider sporting community with evidence based results of your successes around implementing Healthy Choices within your organisation.
Please read the Lara Pool case study and reflect on how you might develop your own case study.
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