New child safe standards for Victorian sporting and recreation clubs
As of 1 January, 2017 sporting and recreation clubs operating in Victoria and providing services or facilities specifically for children are required to meet the Child Safe Standards.
The Child Safe Standards are designed to drive cultural change and embed a focus on child safety by placing children’s rights at the forefront of the organisation’s mind.
Victoria’s Commission for Children and Young People have new regulatory powers to oversee and enforce compliance with the standards. It can request information and documents from organisations and inspect premises where services are provided for children, or where a child is engaged to provide services or facilities.
Support is available for organisations to help them comply with the standards. The Commission will assist organisations to understand and meet their obligations through information, guidance, advice and other support.
More information about the Child Safe Standards as well as resources to assist organisations to develop systems and processes to meet the standards can be found on the Commission’s website. Subscribe to the Child Safe Standards Update to ensure you keep up to date with the latest child safety news from the Commission.
For further information & resources please visit the Vicsport Child Safe Standards page or contact:
Tom Dixon
Participation Strategy Manager
[email protected] | 9698 8106
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